The series starting this month is a contest where you post photos taken daily along with the day's events, much like a diary.
Diaries are a precious way to document your life and experiences. When you look back, you can objectively see how you've grown or changed and gain new insights.
We recommend adding captions to organize your thoughts and feelings by including the events or the story behind the photos.
In the series, a story is woven through the recording of everyday moments. This contest emphasizes staying close to your daily life. Your unpretentious photo will decorate the pages of this series' story. We look forward to many entries.
* Entries that violate our guidelines ( https://www.cizucu.com/terms/guideline ) will not be considered for judging.
* We may contact winners for personal information, such as address, by the cizucu team.
Basic license (M size) purchase by cizucu (3 works)
The contest is not offered by Apple Inc. or Google Inc. For more details, please check the Terms of Use of cizucu.