Cover photo by Aya
Your everyday camera, familiar and cherished like a partner, can sometimes feel monotonous. However, by changing your perspective or approach, you can discover new charms in your camera without buying new equipment.
This time, let's explore and delve into ways to notice new attractions in your camera.

Photo by 好 | Kodai Yamashita
Change Your Subject
Even the places and subjects you frequently shoot can look completely different with a change in perspective. For instance, set a theme like 'capture images that suggest unseen parts.' Discover new drama in everyday life through shadows over walls or silhouettes captured through frosted glass windows.

Photo by masakun
It's also recommended to challenge yourself with genres you don't usually shoot. If you often capture cityscapes, try nature landscapes, or if you photograph animals, experiment with still life or portraits. By engaging in unfamiliar photography, you can discover your shooting style and explore new possibilities with your camera.
Re-evaluate Your Settings
Are you convinced that 'this camera can only do so much'? By reviewing your usual settings, you might discover expressions you've never tried before. Capture flowing light trails with a slow shutter speed, or freeze a moment with a fast shutter to enjoy different motion expressions.

Photo by tk
Setting a high ISO to embrace noise for a gritty texture can be intriguing. Also, intentionally adjusting the white balance to envelop the photo in blue or orange tones adds a poetic atmosphere to the scene. Because your camera has limitations, consciously changing settings can lead to new challenges.
Change Perspectives Through Interaction
Shooting alone can often fixate your perspective. By interacting with other creators and sharing photos, you can gain entirely different insights. It's not uncommon to be surprised by how good a photo is that you took for granted.
cizucu hosts photography projects both online and offline that are easy to join. Find fellow creators and discover new perspectives through interaction.
Your camera is not just a tool but a partner that grows with your sensibility and experience. Re-evaluate its characteristics and potential with new subjects, settings, and others' eyes. The 'new world' your camera reveals will surely be more captivating than you expect.