
Revival of Japan's Camera Market and the Resurgence of Photography Culture in 2024 | Release #420


Cover photo by HAYATO

In 2024, Japan's camera market experienced phenomenal growth. Particularly towards the end of the year, digital camera sales recorded a 123.7% increase compared to the same month the previous year, marking a significant market recovery. Compact cameras accounted for over 60% of the total, reigniting popularity among young people and beginners.

This time, we introduce the background of this boom and ideas to further enjoy photography.

Why Has the Camera Market Revived?

The rebound demand post-pandemic and technological innovations are supporting the recovery of the camera market. The popularity of compact cameras is particularly notable, with Kenko Tokina achieving a growth of 256.8% from the previous year.


Photo by だいひょう

Despite the prevalence of smartphones, the demand for high-quality photographic expression is increasing, with brands like Canon and Fujifilm maintaining stable market shares.

Reevaluation of Compact Cameras

The resurgence in the popularity of compact cameras symbolizes the diversification of photographic expression. As a differentiation from smartphone cameras, features such as zoom performance and larger sensor sizes are sought after, allowing even beginners to easily enjoy beautiful bokeh and night photography.


Photo by TEN

Additionally, creative features such as film-like tones and monochrome shooting capabilities are inspiring the creative impulses of the younger generation.

Photography Ideas to Find Your Unique Perspective

Amid the camera boom, try out photography ideas to express your individuality. Consider monochrome portraits that emphasize light and shadow, a "passage of time" series capturing the same subject at different times of day, or shooting urban reflections as a theme.


Photo by 萩原武流|ハギハラタケル

Sharing on social media and participating in contests can also be opportunities to expand your range of expression.