Cover photo by ぷらすあるふぁ
What subjects do you usually prefer to photograph?
Many people focus on capturing living creatures or familiar objects that easily create a narrative within photographs.
This time, we are launching a hashtag campaign focusing on buildings that, while inorganic, have a narrative!
Share your creations with #architecture
Houses are strongly tied to culture, embodying the era and region they belong to.
In modern times, you can often feel beautiful, abstract messages from buildings designed by renowned architects.
When photographing buildings, you can create various presentations by being creative with composition. You can zoom in on distinctive structures or shapes, capture them as part of the cityscape from a bird's-eye view, or use the sky, offering a different perspective from photographing living creatures.
For more details, please refer to the magazine we've compiled!
From September 26, 2024 (Thursday) to October 2, 2024 (Wednesday), we will select several works from photos posted with during the hashtag feature period and feature them in the magazine on cizucu. We look forward to your enthusiastic submissions.

At cizucu, we host hashtag campaigns and photo contests to inspire photographic activities. Register on the app and check out the latest content.